If you have a link to contribute, please send it to web@cskms.org. Thanks!!
The Bickford Family Knitting Machine by Fred Hauck
Cole Harbour Man Uses Replica of Sock Machine That Helped Win WWI, CBC News
Hose Were the Days (Newsweek magazine)
Knitting for Victory: World War I by Paula Becker
Knitting Instructions for War Work, Canadian Red Cross, 1940
Sock Knitting and the Great War Effort from Joybilee Farm
The Wonderful Knitting Machine
The Hand-Cranked Knitter and Sock Machine: A Social History and Catalogue of 19th and 20th Century Home Knitters of American Invention by Richard Candee. Order by contacting the author at 6 Scituate Road, York, ME, 03909-5724, or send payment through Paypal to rcandee@maine.rr.com. $93.00 for print copy (price includes shipping).