Newsletter and Crank-In Report Submissions

Use the form below to submit newsletter items and crank-in reports. After you click Submit, wait for a confirmation message before you leave this page.

Please send ideas, photos, articles, tips, resources, an announcement of your crank-in or demo opportunity, interesting projects, cool tools, patterns, etc.
Do not worry about writing style or format. Submissions need not be polished or formatted.

Guidelines for content submissions:

  • Name your attachments and photos descriptively (do not leave generic names like “image1” or “IMG_0123”, etc.).
  • Written content may be submitted as plain text in the form below or as a text document attachment.
  • Preferred file formats:
    • Images – jpeg, png
    • Text – plain text, docx, txt, rtf, odt (NOT pdf)

Layout of text and images will be reformatted to fit the newsletter. So do not worry about or spend time on the content layout. Instructions are an exception, and you may submit a layout if images and text must be together.

If you have questions, email

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 12 files.