CSKMS Crank-In Grant Policies

Grant Eligibility | Grant Recipient Responsibilities | Approval & Limits | Allowable Expenses | Application

So that we may be consistent with our purposes as outlined in the CSKMS bylaws, the Board of Directors has established the following policies for granting funds to crank-in organizers, effective October, 2019.

Grant Eligibility

  • A crank-in may be eligible for a single calendar year grant up to a maximum of $500.
    See below for crank-in expenses that can and cannot be covered with CSKMS funds.
  • Grant applicants must be current CSKMS members in good standing, through the date of the crank-in. Crank-in attendees need not be members. This is consistent with our mission (see purposes section outlined in the bylaws).
  • Grant applications must be received by CSKMS at least 90 days before the proposed date of the crank-in.
We encourage you to attend a Board meeting to discuss your application. This expedites the approval process. See the Events calendar for the next meeting date, and email president@cskms.org for the Zoom meeting connection.

Grant Awardee Responsibilities

By accepting a grant, you agree to:

  • Inform crank-in attendees that the CSKMS provided financial support for the event.
  • Promote CSKMS membership by providing information about the CSKMS to participants during the event.
  • Submit a crank-in report with photos and a write-up about the crank-in, for publication in the CSKMS newsletter.
    Crank-in reports and photos should be submitted using the official submission form.
  • Submit documentation (receipts) to treasurer@cskms.org to show that the money was used for allowed expenses (see below).
  • Refund all money disbursed by the CSKMS if the event is cancelled.

CSKMS Approval, Fund Disbursement, and Restrictions

  • If approved, half the amount requested will be disbursed before the crank-in. The other half will be disbursed after the treasurer receives receipts documenting expenditures and the newsletter editor receives the photos and written article. If these are not provided, applicants must reimburse the CSKMS for funds already received.
  • Each member is eligible only for a single grant per calendar year. In addition, recurring (annual) crank-ins are eligible for only one grant per year, up to a maximum of three consecutive years. Grant limits ensure that funds are available to the greatest number of interested members and to organizers of new crank-ins.
  • The CSKMS accepts no liability for damages or injuries that may occur or be alleged to have occurred before, during, or after any crank-in. Organizers are strongly encouraged to purchase liability insurance to cover their events.
  • The Board of Directors reserves the right to approve or disapprove any grant request for reasons consistent with the CSKMS bylaws and to change these policies at any time it deems necessary. The Board also reserves the right to increase grant limits, should funds be available, or decline new grant requests if funds are not available. Any subsequent changes will be published on the CSKMS website and in an issue of the CSKMS newsletter.

Allowable Expenses Covered by Grant Funds

Be prepared to provide receipts for all expenses.

CSKMS grant funds may be used only for these purposes when hosting a crank-in:

Venue Costs: If the crank-in location charges a fee for using its room(s), you may use grant funds for this cost. These may include (but not be limited to) conference centers, hotels, motels, resorts, church halls, museums, libraries, community centers, short-term rental homes (such as Airbnb or Vrbo), etc. Retail store locations are not ideal and will be considered only on a case-by-case basis.

Instructional Costs: You may use CSKMS grant funds to the hire teachers providing CSM instruction at the crank-in. If instructional fees are charged to students, all such fees must accrue entirely to the instructor before CSKMS grant funds are applied to the underwriting of education costs. CSKMS grant funds may be used for instructor transportation or lodging (but not meals) as well as rental fees for AV equipment.

CSM Maintenance/Mechanic Costs: You may use CSKMS grant funds to hire mechanics who are attending the crank-in to assist attendees with adjusting or repairing sock knitting machines. If fees are charged to attendees for this service, all such fees must accrue entirely to the mechanic before CSKMS grant funds are applied to this expense. CSKMS grant funds may be used for transportation or lodging (but not meals) for mechanics.

Advertising/Printing Costs: You may use CSKMS grant funds for advertising your event or printing of flyers and/or class handouts.

Expenses Expressly Disallowed with Grant Funds

These items are not eligible for reimbursement using CSKMS grant funds:

  • Any payment, salary, or profit to crank-in organizers expressly for their services in organizing the event, whether the organizer is a person or persons, an organization, a hobby group, or a business.
  • Any payment, salary, or profit to any person or business functioning as a vendor at the crank-in, such as those selling yarn, sock machines, CSM accessories and tools, or any other products. However, if such a person is also functioning as an instructor or mechanic during the crank-in, CSKMS grant funds may be used as outlined above for their educational or mechanical services only.
  • Lodging, transportation, or meals costs incurred by attendees.
  • Food or beverages provided for organizers or attendees during the crank-in.
  • Damage deposit before the event or damage expenses assessed after the event.
  • Entertainment (such as music) or services (such as massages) not directly related to the primary purposes of a crank-in.
  • Any other item the Board considers inappropriate or inconsistent with its bylaws.

Fill Out Grant Application.