If you have a link to contribute, please send it to web@cskms.org. Thanks!!
Ravelry Groups Page: www.ravelry.com/
Circular Sock Knitting Machine Society Ravelry group here. Facebook group here.
COWS (Crankers of Wonderful Socks) We are a group of circular sock knitters willing to share ideas and information. Ravelry group here. Facebook page here.
CSM Anchors We have started this group, being a few Nor’Eastern Crankers from Nova Scotia, Masschusetts and Connecticut wanting to network in Atlantic Canada and the New England States, to discuss Circular Sock Knitting Machine get-togethers, share ideas, add notches to our learning curves, and treasure the comraderie of new CSM friends.
CSM Crankers, Eugene, OR If you own or are thinking about owning one of these wonderful little machines, join in on the cranking, hang out with those that share your interest and make new friends-
CSM Gatherings CSM group gatherings – Feel free to post your local group gatherings and upcoming events
CSM Sales and Swaps Put your items to sell that relate to Circular Sock machines. This includes: tools, instructions, machines, yarn etc.
CSM Spokane This group is for people interested in the CSM and in learning and sharing new techiques and patterns for making socks and other useful items. This group is located in Spokane, WA but it is open to all. We hope that you will join in and share in the fun .
Circular Sock Machine This group is for those who own a Circular Sock Machine, as well as those interested in the little beasts.
Completely Circular and Arbitrary A place for csm users and wannabes to hang out, swap yarns or knitting services, and discuss circular sock machines
Erlbacher Gearhart Knitting Machine Co. We are fans of the EGKMC who are reproducing the famous Gearhart Circular Sock Knitting Machine, right here in the USA
Green Mountain Crankers We are a supportive community of Vermonters who own and use circular sock knitting machines. Out-of-staters and wanna-be crankers are also welcome! 🙂
NZAK A group for owners and intending owners of the NZAK machines, this group will be monitored closely and I will be more than happy to answer queries and other knitting questions.
Shenandoah Valley Crank-In for all those who are interesting in attending a weekend crank-in in western Virginia in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley near Harrisonburg, VA.
SoCal Crankers For CSM owners in Southern California to plan some informal crank-ins.
Sock Knitting Machines and Friends The *friendly* group of sock machine knitters. All are welcome, just follow The Golden Rule
Suffolk Vintage Crankers For those living in Suffolk with Circular Sock Knitting machines to meet and discuss knitting in tubes
Societe Quebecoise de Tricoteurs sur Machines a Bas Bienvenue, vous avez une machine a tricoter des bas et vous voulez en parler en français et en apprendre d’avantage sur vos machines ? Vous êtes au bon endroit. Choisissez un sujet et laissez un message
The Merry Cranksters The Merry Cranksters is a group dedicated to sharing the art and fun of CSM knitting with newbies and children of all ages