2019 CSM Events
Recurring & Regularly Scheduled Crank-Ins:
Date | City | State/Prov | Group/Event | Details/Contact |
Bi-monthly | Leesburg | VA | Loudoun (VA) Crankers | Saturdays, about every two months. 10am to 5 pm. The Rust Library, 380 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, VA 20176. There is room for about 20 crankers. This is FREE and open to ALL but the space for machines is limited so please RSVP. See this discussion on Ravelry. Note: This program is not sponsored by Loudoun County Public Library. No sales are allowed (ie no vendors can sell). Food and drinks are NOT allowed inside the library but there are various places to eat in the area. |
Bi-monthly | Salem | NH | Crank-In/Socks by the Side of the Road | 10am - 4pm, I-93 northbound in Salem, NH (first rest area after the NH line). As always , all are welcome. Bring a CHAIR, the ones at the stop are for the travelers, and all of your gear for the fiber craft you will work on. A rug for the floor if it is a sock machine so the weights don't break the tiles and paper towels to wipe up any spills, oil or other wise. Food to share if you want and some lunch as there are only snack machines and drink machines at the rest stop. The rest room only has blowers, |
Bi-monthly | Springfield | MO | Springfield, Missouri Crank-In | Join us for a free crank-in at a local library on the last Saturday of the "odd" months, from 9 to 5. Address: 4653 S Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO. For more info, contact Hope Martin by email. |
Monthly | Hanover | PA | MARS (Mid-Atlantic Region Sock Knitters) | Meets monthly, dates and locations vary. Join their Facebook group for current information at www.facebook.com/groups/796071670527579/. |
Monthly | Madison | WI | Mad City Crankers | Monthly Crank-Ins every 2nd Saturday, at a local library in the Madison, WI area - please check out our calendar for specific locations. We welcome all CSM knitters from novice to advanced. Visit the website. |
Monthly | Pueblo | CO | 2nd Saturday Crankers | Meet each month on the 2nd Saturday (weather permitting), ATC (Artisan Textile Co), 121 Broadway Ave, Pueblo CO Contact Joanne Caldwell by email. |
Monthly | Virginia Beach | VA | Hampton Roads Crankers | We will have a monthly crank in the first Saturday every month, weather permitting: June 1, July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7, 2019. Locations to be announced but in the Virginia Beach area. For more information, please contact Michaela by email, or PM Abigail on Ravelry. |
Quarterly | Elkin | NC | Yadkin Valley Fiber Center | Saturdays, February 9, June 8, September 14, and November 2, 2019. Download a flyer with info on RSVP’ing and lunch HERE. Visit the YVFC website at yadkinvalleyfibercenter.org/. |
Quarterly | Longmont | CO | Rocky Mountain CSM Quarterly Crank-In | Please join us for a quarterly crank in along the plains of the Rocky Mountains, just north of Denver, in Longmont, CO. Our next event is Sunday June 30th, at Collision Brewery. See the June 30th listing for details. Note: Locations vary, contact Jessica for details! |
Seasonally | St Cloud | MN | See individual dates below in event listings | Join us in 2019 for a CSM event at Rocking Horse Farm in St. Cloud, Minnesota, with dates in January, April, May, September, and October. Contact us for more info or lodging suggestions. Our knitting machine store is open year round, Tuesday-Saturday 10-6. Visitors always welcome! Follow us on Facebook for more knitting events. |
Other Crank-ins, Conferences, Workshops, Demos, Festivals:
Date | City | State/Prov | Group/Event | Details/Contact |
11/21-23/2019 | Warrenton | MO | "Show Me" Your Socks! | Cranking and classes with Sue Vunesky. It’s FREE! You can even bring a sleeping bag and stay here. We only have room for a few to stay overnight, so reserve early. Bring your favorite dish (and the recipe) to share. Three days (and nights) of knitting! It doesn’t get much better than this… Download the flyer for all the details. |
11/14-17/2019 | Traverse City | MI | The All Fiber Arts Retreat | This is an all fiber event, so bring your quilting, knitting, weaving, CSM, spinning, what ever fiber activity you like. Registration is $30. Contact Janie Espinoza for more info by email. Held at the Bay Shores Resort located on Grand Traverse Bay. Special Group Rate available for us until October 14th. $79 and $89 a night plus taxes: based on single or double occupancy. Hotel features: Indoor pool/whirlpool, fitness room and game room. Complimentary continental breakfast. |
11/7-10/2019 | McHenry | MD | Knittreat 2019 | Knittreat 2019 Crank-In at Wisp Resort, with featured teacher Kimberly Garver. Registration opens June 1, 2019. More info on the website at www.knittreat.com. Download a flyer here. Download a registration form here. |
11/2/2019 | Lake Orion | MI | Cranky Knitter Rodeo | Day/Date/Time: Saturday, 11/2/19, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please bring a sack lunch Heritage Spinning and Weaving Description: No foolin'!! Bring your sock machine and crank up a stream of socks with us. Swap war stories, share techniques, enjoy a day focused on sock knitting on your sock machine. We will have fresh orders of sock yarn, working hooks, plus cones of sock yarn in white available for making blanks for dyeing. Participants should bring a stand for their machine and all necessary supplies, as well as a sack lunch. Non-machine owners are invited to attend and hand-knit socks. Who knows? Perhaps there is a machine in your future? Hostesses: Clara Pinkham and Joan Sheridan Maximum: 12 participants Fee: $20.00 |
11/2/2019 | Virginia Beach | VA | Hampton Roads Crankers | We will have a monthly crank in the first Saturday every month, weather permitting. Locations to be announced but in the Virginia Beach area. For more information, please contact Michaela by email, or PM Abigail on Ravelry. |
10/19/2019 | St Cloud | MN | Autumn CSM Gathering with Pete & Deb Oswald & Carole Wurst | Carole's Country Knits at Rocking Horse Farm, 10-6, free. No pre-registration required. Lunch is potluck. Deb begins class at 10:15am and Carole leads show-and-tell at 1:30. Contact us for more info or lodging suggestions. Our knitting machine store is open year round, Tuesday-Saturday 10-6. Visitors always welcome! Follow us on Facebook for more knitting events HERE. |
10/17-20/2019 | Madison | WI | 2019 Mad City Crank In | Annual Mad City Crank In, sponsored by the Mad City Crankers, located at the Comfort Inn and Suites 4822 E. Washington Ave, Madison, WI 53704, hotel phone: 608-244-6265. For more information please check out our website, or email madcitycrankerscsm@gmail.com. |
10/10-12/2019 | Albert Lea | MN | LAMBS Crankin | LAMBS Crank-in (Learning And Making Beautiful Socks) Visit our Facebook page for the registration form in the Files section, find it at LAMBS – Learning And Making Beautiful Socks. Any questions please contact Vickie Storlie, vstorlie@gmail.com. |
10/5/2019 | Virginia Beach | VA | Hampton Roads Crankers | We will have a monthly crank in the first Saturday every month, weather permitting. Locations to be announced but in the Virginia Beach area. For more information, please contact Michaela by email, or PM Abigail on Ravelry. |
10/5-6/2019 | Montpelier Station | VA | Fall Fiber Festival | Fall Fiber Festival of Virginia and Montpelier Sheep Dog Trials will have a crank-in ongoing during the festival in the Craft Demos tent. For more info please email Margaret at craftdemos@fallfiberfestival.org. |
9/27/2019 | Berryville | VA | Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival | ![]() 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM Clarke County Fair Grounds For More Info contact svffchairma |
9/26 -9/29 | Woodstock | Ontario, Canada | The Great Canadian Crankin | ![]() Come crank with us in a relaxing atmosphere! We will have workshops and vendors, and there will be lots of time to enjoy the company of other crankers. You can come to learn new things, meet new people, or just hang out! See the Registration form for more information. Cost for 3 days: $45 (CAD) Email contact information |
9/21-22/2019 | Kegworth Hotel | England, UK | September Socks | Informal gathering with no set structure. Main opening times 8:30am to 6pm on both days. Early arrivals and socialising Friday evening. You may come for one day or two, with or without your machine. Optional evening meal Saturday. Impromptu workshops encouraged. Newbies especially welcome. Yarn, accessories and machines on sale for small commission. £20 per day incl of lunch. Overnight accommodation available at £65 per room per night. All profits go to Framework Knitters Museum. All details via maryhawkins1589@gmail.com. |
9/19-22/2019 | Mead | WA | Crankin On in Spokane | Bear Creek Lodge Cost for 3 nights/4 Days will be $245.00 per person along with a $20.00 registration fee. This includes brunch, dinner and crafting area. Coffee and Water provided throughout the day. Soda, Beer & Wine are available for purchase. The venue is handicap accessible. The cranking area is on the main floor with sleeping on the second floor. There is a chair lift on the stairs. Find more info in the Facebook group HERE. Or download a flyer HERE. |
9/12-15/2019 | Springfield | MO | S.O.C.K.S | S.O.C.K.S (some outrageous crankers knitting stuff) Clarion Hotel and Suites. Early arrival will be September 11th, 2018, 4 pm. Check out is September 15th by 11 am. $45 registration fee includes lunch on Friday. Download a registration form. Or visit the Facebook group HERE. |
9/7/2019 | Virginia Beach | VA | Hampton Roads Crankers | We will have a monthly crank in the first Saturday every month, weather permitting. Locations to be announced but in the Virginia Beach area. For more information, please contact Michaela by email, or PM Abigail on Ravelry. |
9/6-7/2019 | St Cloud | MN | 28th annual September Seminar for Machine Knitters | Two full days of knitting machine classes, fiber art demonstrations, vendor sales, knitting contest award ceremony, fiber art displays, and more. Register HERE. Carole's Country Knits at Rocking Horse Farm. Contact us for more info or lodging suggestions. Our knitting machine store is open year round, Tuesday-Saturday 10-6. Visitors always welcome! Follow us on Facebook for more knitting events: www.facebook.com/knitshop.rockinghorsefarm/ |
8/31-9/1/2019 | Victoria | BC | Victoria Crank-In | This will be a 2 day crank-in, Saturday the 31st of August and Sunday the 1st of September 2019. The venue for the crank-in is the Royal Canadian Legion, Trafalgar Pro Patria 292 located at 411 Gorge Rd. Victoria, BC V8T 2W1. We have the room for both days 8am until 8pm. I have also arranged for a special rate at the Holiday Inn 1 block away. (Please contact Steve Ashton directly for the reservation number). If you have a CSM of any brand or model, if you just want to learn more, come on down and join the growing Vancouver Island group. Find more info on this Ravelry thread. |
8/3/2019 | Virginia Beach | VA | Hampton Roads Crankers | We will have a monthly crank in the first Saturday every month, weather permitting. Locations to be announced but in the Virginia Beach area. For more information, please contact Michaela by email, or PM Abigail on Ravelry. |
7/26-28/2019 | Hubbards | NS, Canada | Salty Socks 2019 | Plan now to attend Salty Socks 2019: Three fun-filled days of learning, demos, knitting, and vendors. A friendly, collaborative event for sock machine knitters of all skill levels. Facebook Event: Salty Socks Download a flyer |
7/14/2019 | Salem | NH | Crank-In/Socks by the Side of the Road | 10am - 4pm, I-93 northbound in Salem, NH (first rest area after the NH line). As always , all are welcome. Bring a CHAIR ,the ones at the stop are for the travelers, and all of your gear for the fiber craft you will work on. A rug for the floor if it is a sock machine so the weights don't break the tiles and paper towels to wipe up any spills, oil or other wise. Food to share if you want and some lunch as there are only snack machines and drink machines at the rest stop. The rest room only has blowers, |
7/13/2019 | Crockett | CA | Mini Crank-in in CA | Crockett is a little town at the southern end of the Carquinez Bridge, easy to get to on Interstate 80. Saturday, July 13, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Registration fee $30. The price includes Continental breakfast, pupusas by Judy for lunch, coffee/tea/snacks throughout the day, and some surprises. Full details on this Ravelry thread. Or email melanie@crockettfiberstudio.com Crank-in is limited to twelve, on a first come-first served basis. Use this Google Form to register. |
7/6/2019 | Virginia Beach | VA | Hampton Roads Crankers | We will have a monthly crank in the first Saturday every month, weather permitting. Locations to be announced but in the Virginia Beach area. For more information, please contact Michaela by email, or PM Abigail oon Ravelryn Ravelry. |
6/30/2019 | Longmont | CO | Rocky Mountain CSM Quarterly Crank-In | Please join us for a quarterly crank in along the plains of the Rocky Mountains, just north of Denver in Longmont, CO, from 11am - 5pm on Sunday June 30th! The venue is Collision Brewing Company, off Hwy 119 West of I-25 and East of Longmont, CO, next to Sandstone Ranch Park (They have an amazing selection of food, GF, Veggie, Soda, Beer, wine, Cider) Locally Owned and Operated! Requirements: 1) We need a minimum of 15 people to attend - max of 75. Please RSVP with Jessica via facebook or by email. 2) Purchase Lunch (Dinner Optional) Invite your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, strangers, other fiber artists, everyone! They have a huge back room with a gorgeous view of the Mountains and Longs Peak! Facebook Event here. Usual Disclaimers with CSMs apply: bring your own stand or table, drip cloth or mat for oil drips, yarns, tools etc. Any questions, please text or call (leave message) Jessica at 303-641-7680 or email. Venue Address: Collision Brewery, 1436 Skyway Dr, Longmont, CO 80504 |
6/29/19 | Millersville | PA | Sock Machine Drivers’ Ed | Learn to knit on antique and modern circular sock knitting machines. These short workshops are for absolute beginners and taught by Milissa Ellison Dewey of Bobbin Boy and Mountain Mama Weavers. Participants will make a knitted sampler and learn about the origins and history of the circular sock knitting machines in Millisa’s collection. The workshop fee of $125 is all inclusive. No equipment is required. Registration is required, as class size is limited. Details on the MAFA Conference website HERE. |
6/20-23/2019 | Wayne | OK | 2019 Prairie Moon Retreat Crankin | Cost: $275 Room and board, all meals, snacks instruction and fun. Sign up closes 1 May 2019 Balance due: June 1, 2019, for those paying with deposit to register. Participation is limited to 25 crankers. If interested PM flossr on Ravelry. |
6/13-16/2019 | Belfast | ME | Good Karma Crank-In | Our 8th year. There is a registration fee, limited space available. For more information, visit the Ravelry thread HERE. Or find a flyer HERE. |
6/7-9/2019 | Essex Junction | VT | Green Mountain Crank-In | A weekend of learning and cranking fun featuring Jamie Mayfield of Erlbacher Knitting Machine Co. and David Lord of Chambord CSM! Download the registration packet for all the details. Or contact Nancy Smith by email with any questions. Visit the Ravelry group or Facebook page. |
6/1/2019 | Hampton Roads | VA | Hampton Roads Crankers | We will have a monthly crank in the first Saturday every month, weather permitting. Locations to be announced but in the Virginia Beach area. For more information, please contact Michaela by email, or PM Abigail on Ravelry. |
5/30-6/2/2019 | Lacey | WA | Spring sock machine retreat | The sock knitting machine retreat is the beautiful lodge at Gwinwood Thurs noon May 30-Sunday June 2nd at 2:30pm. There is free wifi in the main lodge, plenty of tables, chairs and power access for your own use. Plenty of space to set up and spread out. If the weather permits, there is also a balcony where you could knit if you wished. There will be sock knitting machine classes - Beginners and advanced. We'll also have a dye class for anyone interested. I'm sure there will be more classes as the event gets closer. We have so many talented people attending. So much fun! Cost is $225 and includes sleeping in the cabins, meals, etc. There will be coffee, tea, water and pop available onsite. The cabins have microwaves and small refrigerators. Feel free to bring a snack if desired. Please note, that I have changed the date for this as the original mid-June date coincided with Father's day. Have questions? For more info contact Pat Fly by email. Grinwood Christian Conference Center, 6015 30th Ave SE, Lacey, WA |
5/25/2019 | St Cloud | MN | Yarn Dye Adventure & Sock Blank Class | Participants will dye a sock blank or hank of sock yarn suitable for 1 pair (with some left over). The yarn we use works great on any regular CSM cylinder. $35 fee covers handouts, dye and yarn. Register HERE. Carole's Country Knits at Rocking Horse Farm. Contact us for more info or lodging suggestions. Our knitting machine store is open year round, Tuesday-Saturday 10-6. Visitors always welcome! Follow us on Facebook for more knitting events: www.facebook.com/knitshop.rockinghorsefarm/ |
5/18-19/19 | Elkin | NC | Skill-Building CSM Workshop | Skill-building for Circular Machine Knitting with Lucy Best This skill-building class is intended to help you understand how your old or new circular knitting machine works and introduce you to the primary elements necessary for knitting a sock on it. Topics will include setting up the machine, understanding and adjusting stitch sizes, creating a hem, eyelet stitch, reversing (heels and toes), and using the ribber (optional for Day 2). Each student must bring a working hand-powered circular knitting machine and stand. $375 – includes class fee, 2 cones of yarn, lunch each day Visit the website HERE. |
5/16-19/2019 | Harrisonburg | VA | Shenandoah Valley Crank-In | Save the dates! 5th Annual Shenandoah Valley Crank-In. Keep an eye on our Ravelry group HERE for further details in Fall 2018. |
5/11/2019 | Leesburg | VA | Loudoun (VA) Crankers | Saturdays, about every two months. 10am to 5 pm. The Rust Library, 380 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, VA 20176. There is room for about 20 crankers. This is FREE and open to ALL but the space for machines is limited so please RSVP. See this discussion on Ravelry. Note: This program is not sponsored by Loudoun County Public Library. No sales are allowed (ie no vendors can sell). Food and drinks are NOT allowed inside the library but there are various places to eat in the area. |
5/10-12/2019 | Gold Bar | WA | May Crafting Retreat | Held at Camp Huston, hosted by Ewe-Nique Spinners and So-We-Sew Quilters. This is an informal retreat where everyone brings whatever craft they want to work on! Download the flyer/registration form. |
4/20/2019 | St Cloud | MN | Spring CSM Gathering with Pete & Deb Oswald & Carole Wurst | Carole's Country Knits at Rocking Horse Farm, 10-6, free. No pre-registration required. Lunch is potluck. Deb begins class at 10:15am and Carole leads show-and-tell at 1:30. Contact us for more info or lodging suggestions. Our knitting machine store is open year round, Tuesday-Saturday 10-6. Visitors always welcome! Follow us on Facebook for more knitting events: www.facebook.com/knitshop.rockinghorsefarm/ |
4/3-7/2019 | Cape Girardeau | MO | 2019 Erlbacher Open House/ Crank In / Homecoming | 9th Annual Erlbacher Knitting Machine Company's Open House and Crank In! Registration will open in January. The crank-in will be held at Ray's Plaza Convention Center/the Erlbacher Shop & Jamie's House! We recommend staying at Auburn Place, 573-651-4486, tell them you are a cranker for a special rate! Find more information on the Erlbacher Ravelry group here. |
3/29-31/2019 | Walla Walla | WA | 3rd Annual Walla Walla Valley Crank-In | Sponsored by CSKMS and with special guest Rosalyn Keys! Event registration by March 9th (contact via email for payment methods). Special room rate of $109/night (two queens beds) if you book by March 9 using code WVIS. Hotel offers breakfast and dinner in their dining area and many dining options within walking distance. For more information contact organizers by email. Download a flyer HERE. |
3/10/2019 | Salem | NH | Crank-In/Socks by the Side of the Road | 10am - 4pm, I-93 northbound in Salem, NH (first rest area after the NH line). As always , all are welcome. Bring a CHAIR ,the ones at the stop are for the travelers ,and all of your gear for the fiber craft you will work on. A rug for the floor if it is a sock machine so the weights don't break the tiles and paper towels to wipe up any spills, oil or other wise. Food to share if you want and some lunch as there are only snack machines and drink machines at the rest stop. |
3/09/2019 | Leesburg | VA | Loudoun (VA) Crankers | Saturdays, about every two months. 10am to 5 pm. The Rust Library, 380 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, VA 20176. There is room for about 20 crankers. This is FREE and open to ALL but the space for machines is limited so please RSVP. See this discussion on Ravelry. Note: This program is not sponsored by Loudoun County Public Library. No sales are allowed (ie no vendors can sell). Food and drinks are NOT allowed inside the library but there are various places to eat in the area. |
3/09/2019 | Kegworth | England, UK | Encounter Nineteen | Save the dates! The hotel has been booked for this crank-in of several days. Planning is in the works. For details contact Mary Hawkins by email. |
3/2/2019 | Ingersoll | ON, Canada | Ingersoll Crank-In | Join us for our annual Ingersoll Crank-in, 8:30am - 4:30pm. This event is in the Independent Grocery Store on the 2nd level. 273 King St W, Ingersoll, ON N5C 2K9 Please email Sue Moore if you are planning on coming at socksbycrank@gmail.com. Bring your machine, table, etc, and a snack to share. Ready made lunches can be purchased in the grocery store. There will be several yarn vendors in attendance. Find more details on the Facebook event page. |
1/19/2019 | St Cloud | MN | Winter CSM Gathering with Pete & Deb Oswald & Carole Wurst | Carole's Country Knits at Rocking Horse Farm, 10-6, free. No pre-registration required. Lunch is potluck. Deb begins class at 10:15am and Carole leads show-and-tell at 1:30. Contact us for more info or lodging suggestions. Our knitting machine store is open year round, Tuesday-Saturday 10-6. Visitors always welcome! Follow us on Facebook for more knitting events: www.facebook.com/knitshop.rockinghorsefarm/ |
1/13/2019 | Salem | NH | Crank-In/Socks by the Side of the Road | 10am - 4pm, I-93 northbound in Salem, NH (first rest area after the NH line). As always , all are welcome. Bring a CHAIR ,the ones at the stop are for the travelers ,and all of your gear for the fiber craft you will work on. A rug for the floor if it is a sock machine so the weights don't break the tiles and paper towels to wipe up any spills, oil or other wise. Food to share if you want and some lunch as there are only snack machines and drink machines at the rest stop. |
1/12/2019 | Leesburg | VA | Loudoun (VA) Crankers | 10am to 5 pm. The Rust Library, 380 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, VA 20176. There is room for about 20 crankers. This is FREE and open to ALL but the space for machines is limited so please RSVP. See this discussion on Ravelry. Note: This program is not sponsored by Loudoun County Public Library. No sales are allowed (ie no vendors can show up and sell). Food and drinks are NOT allowed inside the library but there are various places to eat in the area. |